

Action Space

Box(-1.0, 1.0, (3,), float32)

Observation Shape


Observation High


Observation Low


Reward Shape


Reward High

[inf inf inf]

Reward Low

[-inf -inf -inf]




Multi-objective version of the HopperEnv environment.

See Gymnasium’s env for more information.

The original Gymnasium’s ‘Hopper-v4’ is recovered by the following linear scalarization:

env = mo_gym.make(‘mo-hopper-v4’, cost_objective=False) LinearReward(env, weight=np.array([1.0, 0.0]))

Reward Space

The reward is 3-dimensional:

  • 0: Reward for going forward on the x-axis

  • 1: Reward for jumping high on the z-axis

  • 2: Control cost of the action If the cost_objective flag is set to False, the reward is 2-dimensional, and the cost is added to other objectives.