Creating a custom environment

This tutorials goes through the steps of creating a custom environment for MO-Gymnasium. Since MO-Gymnasium is closely tied to Gymnasium, we will refer to its documentation for some parts.

1. Create a new environment class

Create an environment class that inherits from gymnasium.Env. The class must implement the following methods:

  • __init__(self, ...) - The constructor of the class. It should initialize the environment and set the self.action_space andself.observation_space attributes as in classical Gymnasium (see Spaces. Moreover, since we are dealing with multiple objective/rewards, you should define a self.reward_space attribute that defines the shape of the vector rewards returned by the environment, as well as self.reward_dim which is an integer defining the size of the reward vector.

  • reset(self, seed, **kwargs) - Resets the environment and returns the initial observation and info.

  • step(self, action) - Performs a step in the environment and returns the next observation, vector reward, termination flag, truncated flag, and info. The vector reward should be a numpy array of shape self.reward_space.shape.

  • render(self) - Renders the environment.

  • (optional) pareto_front(self, gamma: float) - Returns the discounted Pareto front of the environment if known. This is very useful for computing some multi-ojective metrics such as Inverted Generational Distance (IGD).

2. Register the environment

Register the environment in the registry. This is done by adding the following line to the file in your env directory:

from gymnasium.envs.registration import register

3. Test the environment

If your environment is registered within the MO-Gymnasium repository (step 2), it should be automatically pulled for testing when you run pytest.

4. Instantiate your environment

See our API documentation, but essentially:

import mo_gymnasium
env = mo_gymnasium.make('my_env_v0')