Classic Control

Multi-objective versions of classical Gymnasium’s environments.


Obs/Action spaces




Continuous / Discrete

[time_penalty, reverse_penalty, forward_penalty]

Classic Mountain Car env, but with extra penalties for the forward and reverse actions. From Vamplew et al. 2011.

mo-mountaincar-3d-v0 **

Continuous / Discrete

[time_penalty, move_penalty, speed_objective]

The forward and backward penalties have been merged into the move penalty and a speed objective has been introduced which gives the positive reward equivalent to the car’s speed at that time step.*

mo-mountaincar-timemove-v0 **

Continuous / Discrete

[time_penalty, move_penalty]

Class Mountain Car env but an extra penalty for moving backwards or forwards merged into a move penalty.

mo-mountaincar-timespeed-v0 **

Continuous / Discrete

[time_penalty, speed_objective]

Class Mountain Car env but an extra positive objective of speed which gives the positive reward equivalent to the car’s speed at that time step.*


Continuous / Continuous

[time_penalty, fuel_consumption_penalty]

Continuous Mountain Car env, but with penalties for fuel consumption.


Continuous / Discrete or Continuous

[landed, shaped_reward, main_engine_fuel, side_engine_fuel]

MO version of the LunarLander-v2 environment. Objectives defined similarly as in Hung et al. 2022.

*An additional objective was introduced to prevent the agent from converging to the local maxima due to a lack of reward signal for the static action.

**Read more about these environments and the detailed reasoning behind them in Pranav Gupta's Dissertation