List of PublicationsΒΆ
MO-Gymnasium (formerly MO-Gym) was first published in:
MO-Gym: A Library of Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning Environments (Alegre et al., BNAIC 2022)
List of publications & submissions using MO-Gymnasium (please open a pull request to add missing entries):
Sample-Efficient Multi-Objective Learning via Generalized Policy Improvement Prioritization (Alegre et al., AAMAS 2023)
Hyperparameter Optimization for Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning (Felten et al., MODeM Workshop 2023)
Multi-Step Generalized Policy Improvement by Leveraging Approximate Models (Alegre et al., NeurIPS 2023)
A Toolkit for Reliable Benchmarking and Research in Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning (Felten et al., NeurIPS 2023)
Distributional Pareto-Optimal Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning (Cai et al., NeurIPS 2023)
Welfare and Fairness in Multi-objective Reinforcement Learning (Fan et al., AAMAS 2023)
Personalized Reinforcement Learning with a Budget of Policies (Ivanov et al., 2024)
Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning Based on Decomposition: A Taxonomy and Framework (Felten et al., 2024)
Multi-objective reinforcement learning for guaranteeing alignment with multiple values (Rodriguez-Soto et al., 2023)
MOFL/D: A Federated Multi-objective Learning Framework with Decomposition (Hartmann et al., 2023)